Artists statement

“This old farmhouse on the east of Ridge Road, has now disappeared. A particularly fine spell of clear frosty June days, prompted a number of early morning "frost" paintings in Mernda and districts. The painting owes something to tonal impressionism. At the time I had been elected a member of the "20 Melbourne Painters", (a rather conservative body of tonal artists) from which I later resigned. However, the importance of tonal values and the decisive balance of light and dark tones cannot be dismissed in painting.
By painting into the light, the tonal qualities of a picture can often be more decisively understood and expressed. In this instance the sparkle of white paper and the deeper tones of the massed foliage contribute to the light effect. Such paintings are made for one's own enjoyment and are a spontaneous reaction to an effect that moves one to do something about it.” John Borrack

Historical information

Part of the John and Gillian Borrack Federation Bequest, donated to the City of Whittlesea in December 2001 by Gillian and John Borrack

Inscriptions & markings

John Borrack '79. Winter. Yan Yean.

