Certificate - Text, Certificate of Service from the City of Essendon to the Arthur Wilkins Memorial Centre, 1993

Historical information

Certificate awarded to the Arthur Wilkins Day Centre for it's work with the blind and visually impaired people of Essendon, awarded on November 8, 1988.

Physical description

1 certificate of service from the City of Essendon

Inscriptions & markings

City of Essendon
Certificate of Service
This Certificate presented by The Mayor and Councillors of the City of Essendon in recogition of the fine service given in a voluntary capacity to the Citizens of the Municipality by Association for the Blind Arthur Wilkins Memorial Centre.
The Common Seal of the Mayor, Councillors and Citizens of the City of Essendon was hereunto affixed in the presence of
(signature illegible) Mayor
(signature illegible) Councillor
(signature illegible) City Manager
On this .... day of .... , 19....

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