Historical information

Ticket was used in 1931 and kept in storage by a member of the Edina's crew.

The SS Edina was the most famous steamer in Australia and underwent a number of changes and refits during its lifetime. It had an unchallenged record of strandings and collisions with other vessels and of escaping serious damage itself. The vessels City of Melbourne, Courier, Manawatu, Excelsior (twice), Hovell, Batman, all suffered. When Edina was retired in 1938 it was the world's oldest working steamer and had travelled more than 1 million km. She was finally broken up by George Seelf on the banks of the Maribyrnong in 1957.


The SS Edina was an iconic and affectionately regarded part of Port Phillips maritime history and culture. It is historically significant for being internationally famous as the worlds oldest working screw steamship between 1912 and 1938. Its career was varied and interesting and it is considered significant for its involvement in the Crimean War, US Civil War, NZ gold rushes, and locally for its career as a western district steamship and Bay steamer. The site is archaeologically significant as the only remnant of the hull of the vessel and as part of the Maribyrnong riverine landscape situated amongst the remnants of shipbuilding slipways, Footscray wharves, S781 Unidentified

Physical description

Clipped and used steamship tickets [the children's tickets are an adult ticket cut in half diagonally] - Melbourne to Portarlington

Inscriptions & markings

Australian Steamships Pty Ltd, Howard Smith Ltd, managing agents