Historical information

Recovered from the wreck site of the Fiji. The barque Fiji left Hamburg on 22nd of May 1891. The vessel went ashore at 3 am on the morning of the 6th of September 1891in squally and boisterous weather soon after sighting Cape Otway. The wind had suddenly veered, and the vessel missed stays after attempting to wear ship and was driven onto the rocks. Attempts were made to launch the boats but they were swamped and dashed to pieces. Delays in getting the lifeboat and rocket apparatus to the scene resulted in 12 of the 25 crew drowning after 10 hours trapped on board. A local resident, Arthur Wilkinson, lost his life trying to save one of the crew who was struggling in the surf. Coffins were made out of the wreck timbers and the men buried on the cliff top above the wreck. The deaths precipitated critical comment in the press over the lack of prompt action. Other news items appeared claiming drunk and disorderly behaviour by plunderers amongst the corpses and wreckage on the beach. The controversy reached parliament.

Physical description

Brown bottle

Inscriptions & markings

Warner's, Safe, Cure, Melbourne Aust, London Eng, Toronto Can, Rochester NY USA
