Historical information

Legacy widows had many events and activities organised for them to enjoy. This is a day trip to Castlemaine in 19 February 1992. Some of the widows' names were Jean, May, Gwen, Hazel, Julie, Maud at Castlemaine 19/2/1992
Newsletters of the time show the number and variety of activities that Legacy provided for the widows. Example attached is from January 1993.


A record of activities for widows to attend and enjoy together.

Physical description

Colour photo x 2 of widows trip to Castlemaine in 1992.

Inscriptions & markings

Handwritten on 01935.1 'Jean, - May, Gwen, Hazel, Julie, Maud at Castlemaine 19/2/1992' in blue pen. Handwritten on 01935.2 'Castlemaine' in blue pen.