Historical information
Most of these plans were held in Geoff Olive's office.
Physical description
(1) Preliminary concept South-East corner Burnley Gardens Re-design Proposals, Amenity Horticulture III, drawn by Pat de Moulpied 1988. Original turf path destroyed after Garden Week to be replaced with paving donated by Boral. (2) Rose Garden Site Analysis by Peter Jans, Parks & Gardens 1989, pencil on paper. On reverse, "B. Site Analysis & Design Changes. (3) 2 copies pencil on tracing paper, Planting plan. (4) Planting plan on tracing paper. (5) Planting plan (roughly final version?), 1 tracing paper, 6 photocopies. (6) Notes from Geoff Olive addressed to James Hitchmough. Also photocopies of 1 - 5 and some rough sketches. Notes made by Guide Jean Corbett on the History of the Rose.