Physical description

Black and white photographs. 6 copies, 3 enlargements. Official Staff photograph. Group seated and standing in the Burnley Gardens.

Inscriptions & markings

On reverse, "Photograph by Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture Ref. No. 1974 (99-1) to (99-3)." On reverse of enlargement, "Burnley Horticultural College - Staff 1974. Back l-r: Clarry Anderson, George Jackson, Eric Gay, Edward Marriott, John Kane, Fairly Siddle, David Walker, Sandra Burridge (Burrage), Rick Taylor, Rosemary Hall, Jim Edwards, Rob Hardy (Hardie), Dennis Erwin, Eddy Moore, Frank Casly (Casley). Front L-r: Geoff Olive, Ian McCure, George Grumont, Bill Nicholls, Laurie Metzling (Metzeling), Barry Dimelow, (V.P.), Eric Littlejohn (Principal), Jack Farrance, Ian Lee, Minnet(te) Russel (Russell-Young), Ken James, Paul Norquay."