Historical information

M. Nelson, Springhurst donated the photograph. Appears as an illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden," A.P. Winzenried p 61. Girl in foreground is Helen Wiltshire (now Murdoch), Dux of the College in 1956, then Secretary of BCPSA - wrote to the College after seeing the photograph used in publicity for 2010 University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Open Day. She said the girl on the ladder was Maureen Skuse (now Nelson).

Physical description

Black and white photograph of 2 female students pruning a fruit tree in the Orchard. One is standing on a ladder. Both are using secateurs.

Inscriptions & markings

"M. Nelson Springhurst. Photo from Herald 1955." Stamp "Herald-Sun Photograph supplied by Feature Service The herald & Weekly Times Ltd."