Photograph - Sepia prints, E. Chalmers, Ella Chalmers (nee Fry) Collection, 1927

Historical information

E.E. Pescott no longer Principal in 1927, did part-time teaching at Burnley Horticultural College. Had a strong interest in native flora. Excursion to Boronia probably to study flora under EEP's guidance. Such excursions were a feature of the Certificate Course. eg. Ringwood, Heathmont, Greensborough, Frankston-Langwarren, Beaumaris ones under Charles French Jnr, Bill Nicholl and myself." E.B. Littlejohn.Collection of photographs donated 1991.

Physical description

Sepia and black and white prints
(1) "First outing with hair up." "Burnley H.S. Boronia picnic 1927." (2) "Mr. E.E. Pescott? At Boronia-1927." (3) Lunch at Boronia as newspaper clip 1927 E. Chalmers." Also photographs of B91.112, B91.113, B91.114, B91.273(1, 2), B91.377, B91.384, B91.399, B91.405, B93.713, B93.716, B98.1036, B98.1037 catalogued separately

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