Photograph - Black and white print, M. Nelson, Social Outing 1956, 1956

Historical information

Donated by Maureen A. Nelson (née Skuse) (1956), Springhurst.

Physical description

Black and white photographs. Social outing: J.A. Sargeant 1956, G.J. Kneen 1956, H.M. Wiltshire 1956, S. Schumacher 1956, R.A. Weller 1956, G.R. Muntz 1956, Y. Winterbottom 1957, Louise L. Rawsthorn 1957, J.R. Wall 1955, J.A. Care 1956, A.D. Werner 1956.

Inscriptions & markings

(1) Handwritten on reverse, "Judy Sargeant, Graeme Kneen, 1956 Social Outing." (2) "Helen Wiltshire, Maureen Skuse." (3) "Susi Schumacher, Bob Weller." (4) "Susi Schumacher, Judy Sargeant, Helen Wiltshire, Barry Dangerfield, Louise Rawsthorn." (5) "Yvonne Winterbottom, Greame (sic) Muntz." (6) "L-R Mario Takasuki, Dick Wall, Don Marriott." (7) As (4). (8) "Helen Wiltshire." (9) "Ron Iromewan, Sandra McAlley." (10) "Jocelyn Care, Alan Werner." (11) "Judy Sargent (sic), Graeme Kneen."

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