Historical information

This photograph is the same one printed in 1925 soon after 'Bellfield' became a licenced hotel. Unfinished letter on reverse side indicates that at least 2 postcards were sent to the same recipient Reads as: "Belfield Hotel Grampians 3/4/42 Dear Mother, Well here we are once more amongst the Gum trees and believe me it is great to smell the fresh air once more after so long with the Rubber trees. We are right in the hills with towering mountains on the East and West and after the way the wind blew through gap last night, I would not be at all surprised if that were not the method by which the Gap were made. Several times last night we thought the roof would blow off and now I have cut pegs for the window I hope the rattle does not annoy us anymore. It took us until nearly five to get here last night but of course we did not find the time dragging on our hands. At Ballarat we made a rush for some lunch just got it back to the carriage when the waitress came round for"

Physical description

Photograph shows front of building with Wonderland Range behind handwritten letter on reverse side dated 03/4/42

Inscriptions & markings

Rose Series P 4914