Historical information

Corporal Francis John Papworth (VX66806) served in the 2/2 Australian Commando Squadron in Timor, New Guinea and Borneo, Tarakan during World War II. His pencil drawn images of the John Viera and his family during 1942.


This work of soldiers is significant as a work produced by a serving soldier on location during WWII and is a unique example of an artistic work showing the men and their surroundings at the time. Strong provenance as part of the family collection.

Physical description

Multiple pencil drawings on white paper board showing three drawings images of John Viera and his family by Corporal F. J. Papworth during his Commando service on Timor in 1942 during World War II. One of the drawings is of John Viera, five rough drawings and a sketch of the Viera family group.