Domestic object - Candles, J Kitchen & Sons, J Kitchen & Sons Pty Ltd et al, 1900 - 1991

Physical description

Candles produced by J Kitchen & Sons Pty Ltd, Unichema and Unilever at the Port Melbourne site, circa 1900 to 1991

.01 - Box of eleven Electrine lamp candles 5" (13 cm)

.02- Box of six Electrine candles 9.5" (24 cm)

.03 - Box (blue) with one Unichema 20cm - circa 1980s

.04 - Four 9" plain white candles - circa early 1900s

.05 - six decorative candles (16 cm) - circa 1970s or 1980s

.06 - Owl candle (8 x 11 cm) - circa 1980

.07 - empty display box of Electrine bedroom candles (real label)

.08 - empty display box of Electrine carriage candles (real label)

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