Historical information

The photo depicts men dressed in formal suits and in bowler hats walking out the front of the Beechworth Court House. Beechworth became known as the legal headquarters of north-east Victoria after the establishment of the Circuit Court in 1857. This was later known as the Court of Assize and dealt with cases surpassing the reach of the General Sessions and County Courts. The Court House was built a year after for these proceedings and was extended in 1865. As the image is undated the year is not known, however it can be assumed it was taken after 1857 as the Court House is pictured.


The photograph holds historic significance as it contributes to an understanding of the legal systems in Beechworth at that time. Specifically, the popularity of the Court House as a large number of people are pictured in the photo, which may represent the frequent use or interest in a signifiant trial that may have occurred at the place.

Physical description

Black and white landscape photograph printed on paper.
