Book, Harper Collins Australia, Soldiers without borders: Beyond the SAS, a global network of brothers in arms, 2008

Physical description

Index, ill (plates col, b/w), maps, p.364.

Publication type



"What happens to the elite, close-knit soldiers of the SAS after they leave the tight world of the military? For some, there are highly paid jobs as trigger men with security companies in the worlds war zones and trouble spots. But for many, unexpected adventures unfold. Some go on to establish and lead major corporations or to advise multinational companies about risk where the commercial stakes are high. Some join foreign defence forces, training new elite special forces in unusual places. For others, life takes a different twist. They become top government advisers and even hardened criminals. Most sinister of all is the shadowy world of black ops - risky, rewarding and adrenaline-driven jobs that governments always deny. But wherever they are, the former elite soldiers are never far from each other, bound in an exclusive global network of brothers-in-arms."-

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