Historical information

Taken in the early 1900s, the postcard depicts two girls dressed in old style, white knee length dress which was common for this period for young women. This compared to the ankle length styles which were acceptable for adult women. We can also see an example of early bridge construction and engineering, notably made from timber rather than from stone or steel, noted in the postcard as Snow's Bridge.

Physical description

Sepia rectangular postcard printed on card

Inscriptions & markings

Snow's Bridge/Beechworth

Dear Julie/ I received your pretty PB/ We haven't gone away yet. Mr Stokes/ asked me were you going to be/ married. He wished you luck/ (I wonder/ if he meant it.) We sent the Magpie to Annie to-day. I haven't got any/ word about going to a [unknown]/ yet. We had a great Friendly Societies/ day yesterday but it rained a bit/ Sally is going to get a [illegible] silk/ dress. When are you to be married?/ Mr Pounceby is back at Allen's shop./ [unknown]. We are going to Belle's for a [unknown] if we can. With Love from Lilly.