Historical information

This red plastic folder entitled "1M''s Peaceful Protest" and the response letter from the Prime Minister of Australia at the time, are part of Record Series 35. Student Work.

In October 1986 the girls from Form 1M [Year 7] compiled a volume of poems and drawings titled “1M’s Peaceful Protest” that was sent to the Honourable Robert (Bob) Hawke, regarding the importance of peace in this country and around the world. Bob Hawke, responded with a thank you letter and returned the student’s work back to Lauriston.


This “Peaceful Protest” from the girls of Form 1M was significant as it showed how Lauriston students were prepared to speak out and let politicians know what their thoughts were on the zeitgeist issues at the time. In 1986 the ongoing Cold War between the West and the communist states of the Soviet Union, provided a real threat to world peace.

The vibrant colours of the students’ poems and drawings bely their concerns about the ongoing threat of the Cold War. The spelling mistake on the front page reminds us how these young students were given the opportunity to develop their own contributions and make mistakes.