Functional object - Thunderbox, Circa 1930’s

Historical information

The Great Ocean Road was built by World War 1 returned servicemen. Tolls were collected as sections of the road were completed. The first toll house was at Grassy Creek. It operated from 1922 to 1932 when it was moved to The Springs at Cathedral Rock about 5 km east of Lorne. The thunderbox is believed to have been used here at sometime between 1932 and 1936


This is a rare archeological find. Items n this location are often damaged by the action of the sea and salt air. It is intimately associated with the early years of the development of the Great Ocean Road and the daily life of the workers. It is a typical example of the type of toilet used at the time.

Physical description

This reclaimed timber thunder box is enclosed on three sides. There is a circular hole on the top with a wooden handled lid attached by a chain. Inside is a steel can.

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