Historical information

Recovered by the donor, with approval of the Depot Foreman, from the wreckage in the SEC Ballarat yard from the demolished Tram No. 20 that was involved in a collision on 16/9/1970. One of the support members, near the bell striker has been broken through and the area where it was secured to the roof of the tram at the same end has been bent. This may be the result of the accident. JS - John Stephenson of New York?


Demonstrates a conductors communication bell made by or for use on Melbourne tramcars. A reminder of SEC Tram No. 20 which was involved in a major accident in Victoria St on 16/9/1970

Physical description

Brass Conductor Signal or Communication Bell, consisting of cast frame, bell, striker, bell pull part, one nut to secure the bell to the frame and a screwed bolt for the bell pull part. Has a section of leather bell cord and a leather bell cord hanging piece. Has the initials "JS" cast in both ends that were used to secure the bell to the roof. Has two metal clips used to secure the leather bell cord into position.