Historical information
Air Raid Precautions Organisations were formed in each State in Australia during the Second World War. In Victoria they were organised by the State Emergency Council (Victoria) for Civil Defence. In Melbourne, the organisations were locally based in municipalities. Within a municipality, areas were organised into sectors.
Physical description
Twelve point instructions distributed by the District Warden's Office, Town Hall, Kew in June 1940 and issued by the authority and with the approval of the Kew City Council, W. D. Birrell (Town Clerk), outlining advice for residents in the event of an air
raid. City of Kew seal at top right. The document was issued to residents in Sector 9. It was printed by Arnall & Jackson, 115 Barkly Street, W. Brunswick.
Inscriptions & markings
Signed [Sector Warden] F. J. [sic] Warry, 65 Molesworth Street; [Senior Warden] K. L. Roberts