Historical information

A photo of an Annual demonstration at the Melbourne Town Hall showing a large group on the stage. The item is 'Masque of the Seasons' with costumes including the skaters. These costumes were reused several times, including 1955, 1959, 1969. The central figure could be Father Time.
Throughout the year Melbourne Legacy provided classes for Junior Legatees such as dancing, gymnastics and Eurythmics. The Demonstration was an annual event to showcase their skills. Melbourne Legacy conducted Annual Demonstrations / Parades from 1928 through to 1979, usually held at Melbourne Town Hall. The beautiful costumes were made by members of the Junior Legacy Mothers' Club and the Melbourne Legacy Wives' Association.


A record of the displays at the Annual Demonstrations. Also that Legacy provided classes for junior legatees and the skills learned were displayed in the Annual Demonstration.

Physical description

Black and white photo of large group on the Melbourne Town Hall stage.