Historical information

The newsletter from October 1955. It featured a serviceman and a toddler on the cover. The president's introduction from Arthur Amies talked about the 40th Anzac Day. The was an obituary for Miss Edith Charlotte Onians OBE the first female special magistrate for the Children's Court. There was an article introducing the staff at Legacy House, including Ivan Layton, Mrs A Briggs, Mrs Clytie Darby, Miss Mavis Skinner (former JL), Keith Wilkinson, Miss Judith Farnbach, Miss Joy Malcolm, Mr Robert Hood. There was news from the boys groups. The news from the residences included an outing to Eildon Weir.
A newsletter published by Legacy in this format for many years from 1942. It mentions "Issued from time to time for Private Circulation among the Sons and Daughters of Deceased Service men and Merchant Seamen who served their Country during the War of 1914-18, or the present War".
Many articles on the work of Legacy, including features on boys classes, girls classes, camps, the residences and where their past residents ended up. There are some suggestion for careers and some general interest articles. Some very interesting photos.


Newsletter outlining news of Junior Legatee activities.

Physical description

Black and white printed newsletter x 16 pages from June 1955. Volume 8 Number 1