Historical information

In the early l 970's , when our population was increasing rapidly and resident ministers were needed at both Melton and Bacchus Marsh, and after discussion between both denominations over many months a decision was reached , that in both areas they would unite and be known as Methodist - Presbyterian joint parishes. In 1972 Ministers were appointed, and Melton's minister occupied one of the Bacchus Marsh Manses during the building of Melton's church residence in Y uille Street. Services were held at Scots Presbyterian Church Melton. Youth Club and church meetings were held in the Methodist Church at Brooklyn Road, Melton South. At a joint Parish Committee Meeting held in May 1975 at Melton South - a major item of business was finance, to meet the repayments on the recently built Church Manse and the minister's Stipend.
The meeting closed without any solution to this problem being made. As the men restacked the chairs Maisie and I viewed the building with the possibility of opening an Opp Shop on the premises. We then made the suggestion to the other members and during the forthcoming weeks investigations concerning the feasibility of this idea were made, volunteers recruited and the shop opened in July 1975.

The first contribution to the Church funds of $1,600 was made in 1976 and was followed by regular contributions to the church budget each year.
In 1981 a 30'x 20' steel garage costing $2,000 was erected adjacent to the original Methodist Church to provide more space. Meanwhile an Opp Shop was opened in Melton Markets and operated from 1981 to 1985.

Further accommodation was needed at Yuille Street and the Atco Hall was installed at the rear of the Bluestone Church (known as Melton Uniting Church - 1977). A large proportion of finance for this project was contributed by the Opp Shop $16,000.
Simultaneously finance was being built up to provide further facilities at Brooklyn Rd, resulting in the commencement of a concrete block masonry and steel extension, with facilities & fittings, being commenced during 1986 & completed in 1989. The approximate total cost of this structure was $60,000.

Over the 16 years, members and friends of our church have contributed many many hours to staff the shop and many other supportive works. As an acknowledgement of their efforts, our Minister prepared Certificates for Service and Dedication which were presented to 75 supporters at a special Church Service in June 1991.

The assistance that has been given to the community of Melton & District has been extensive and much appreciated by many families. In addition many appeals for goods and clothing have been received and packages sent to many outside supportive agencies.

Physical description

Three volunteers having a tea break in the staffroom of the Op Shop