Historical information

The National Wool Museum accepted a donation from Brian Licence in 2022 of several mementoes relating to his career in the wool industry. Brian studied Wool Classing and worked for a decade in this profession before moving to Melbourne which required him to change careers.

These Member’s Tickets served as proof of Brian’s membership to the Woolclassers’ Association of Australia from 1962 to 1972. The Woolclassers' Association of Australia was a trade union representing Woolclassers in Australia. It amalgamated with the Australian Workers Union in 2009. The Association had 1200 members in 1997.

Physical description

11 individual-coloured booklets, 10 original and 1 duplicate. The duplicate is from the year 1965/1966 when Brian Licence transferred from being a probationary member of the Woolclassers’ Association of Australia to a full member and hence received a new ticket which reflected this change. Internally, there is no difference in any of the booklets over the 10 years. Externally, there is only a slight change, with the Woolclassers’ Association of Australia's logo being included from 1965/1966 onwards.

The booklets are a single piece of card folded at the middle to make 4 pages. The first page gives the name of the association, the year of issue, and in later years the Association's logo.
Internally, the booklet provides the location of the Association, the name, address, and signature of who the booklet certifies, and details about the member’s rank, an Overseer, Expert, Full, or Probationary Member. The date and signature of the Secretary of the Association conclude the internal pages.
On the rear page, the Head Offices of the Woolclassers’ Association of Australia branches in NSW, Victoria & Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia, and Queensland are provided.

Booklet one is on yellow card with black text and is for the years 1962/1963
Booklet two is on aqua card with black text and is for the years 1963/1964
Booklet three is on blue card with black text and is for the years 1964/1965
Booklet four is on orange card with black text and is for the years 1965/1966
Booklet five is on orange card with black text and is for the years 1966/1967
Booklet six is on red card with black text and is for the years 1967/1968
Booklet seven is on white card with green text and is for the years 1968/1969
Booklet eight is on turquoise card with black text and is for the years 1969/1970
Booklet nine is on cream card with black text and is for the years 1970/1971
Booklet ten is on a lavender card with blue text and is for the years 1971/1972
Booklet eleven is on peach card with black text and is for the years 1972/1973

Inscriptions & markings

Multiple. See multimedia