Document - Correspondence - "Beach Cars" - Edison Storage Batteries 1910

Historical information

Typed copies of correspondence dated 21/7/1910, from the Federal Storage Battery Company to the Mr H Milner, Managing Director of the Beaumaris Tramway Co. at the Equitable Building Melbourne. Gives extensive details and comparisons of the battery storage system compared to the electric tramcars. Known as "Beach Cars" - see reference. Notes the work of Edison, batteries. Signed by R. H Beach, the Company Secretary. Has notes on car (streetcar or tramcar) performance, report from the Atlantic City and Shore Railroad Company, comparison report from the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the State of Massachusetts, and cost comparisons.


Yields information about the "Beach Cars" battery powered trams of 1910.

Physical description

Set of six typed blue foolscap sheets titled - "Beach Cars" - Edison Storage Batteries 1910

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