Artists statement

“The theme of the panel is education. From man’s primeval roots, and from beginnings symbolised by the two ovoid shapes, which are both basic and universal, man is raised by his natural yearning and by education towards things of the spirit; so that in the second level of the panel we see a church building and a book, a dam and the ploughed field, such diverse inventions as the crucible and the wheel, the aeroplane and the radar screen, and symbols of commerce and culture. The continuing central pillar, or tree, symbolises the life of Christ which binds together and culminates, not only in the Cross but in the full Unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

Historical information

Large sculpture by artist Hans Knorr (1915-1988) symbolising humanity's growth and progress through effort, experience and education. The door panel was commissioned by the Sisters of Mercy in 1967 on the opening St Martin's in the Pines (Sacred Heart College, Senior School).

Physical description

Door panel sculpted in aluminium