Historical information

Image of the intersection of Sturt and Lydiard Streets looking north along Lydiard St. North giving high view of the Post Office building with its tower. Has an ESCo tram southbound in Lydiard St North, a motor car and a number of horse-drawn vehicles. Shows the verandahs along Lydiard St, centre poles, and looks towards a rather desolate Black Hill following extensive mining works. The Post Office time ball is in the down position. Possibly c1910. Summerscales building - photographer, postcards is next door to the Post Office in Sturt St.

Has written on the rear, over the full width of the card a message to Ted from Ena?
See item 8238 for a colour version.


Yields information about the intersection of Sturt and Lydiard Streets in the early ESCo era and the Post Office building.

Physical description

Postcard - sepia toned - divided back, undated - Valentine & Sons, Printed in Great Britain. Card Number "400.401 JV"

Inscriptions & markings

See Context