Newspaper - Derailment of tram 121 at Riversdale Road level Crossing, Herald Sun, 8-9-1928

Historical information

Newspaper Clipping - from the Melbourne Herald Sun Pictorial newspaper - 8/ 9/1928 about the derailment after running through the catch points of a maximum traction tramcar at the Riversdale Road level crossing the previous day 7/9/1928. The front bogie or truck has been torn from underneath the tramcar.

On the rear is a report of a boxing match in Winnipeg the previous Friday, between NZ born Bert Brown and Vic Foley. A web search ( accessed 1/11/2016 shows the match took place on 6/9/1928. A check with The Sun microfilm at the State Library shows the paper was published on 8/9/1928

Study of the photo, discussions with Norm Cross, particularly with regard to the positioning of the numbers; can see "12", the 2 being centred in the panel, indicates the other number could be a "1". Consultation with the record cards indicate it is most likely tram 121. See images i3. Released back in service 21/3/1929 after relatively expensive accident repairs.

See Reg Item 6377 for other photographs.


Yields information about the amount of damage to the tram following a derailment to a maximum traction tram at Riversdale Road in 1928.

Physical description

Newspaper clipping from The Melboune Herald Sun 8-9-1928 - not dated.

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