Historical information

All images from Mal Rowe, except No. 6 from Marcus Wong
1 - D class 5001 at the terminus showing the sign at the south end - 23-9-2013
2 - B class 2088 looking south - 30-7-2010
3 - B class 2128 looking south - 12-2003
4 - Sign on Combino D1 3501
5 - D1 3501 - in Swanston Street at Victoria St - 16-3-2004. Was given the name of Sir Robert Risson, but was removed when the PTC livery was applied in June 2014.
6 - Plaque Feb. 1994, laid by Alan Brown, Minister for Public Transport


Yields information about the Sir Robert Risson Tram Terminus

Physical description

Set of 6 images of the Sir Robert Risson Tram Terminus in Elizabeth St at Flinders St.