Historical information

An original 1930 Charter of Legacy which was drawn up by Legatee Cyril Smith, and adopted at the 1930 Canberra Conference.
The Spirit of Legacy is Service.
The care of dependents of comrades who served in the Great War and who gave their lives or health, affords a field for Service.
Safeguarding the interests of children is a service worth rendering and their interests include their mental, moral, vocational and physical welfare.
Personal effort is the main essential.
In as much as these are the activities of Legacy, it is your privilege to accept the "Legacy of the Fallen comrades".
Therefore you men who served overseas with honourable records form you a Club to be known as the "Melbourne Legacy Club" and keep fair the name of Legacy.
Dated this 30th day of September in the year of our Lord 1930". Signed by FC Green, President, and James Stewart, Secretary, Central Liaison Committee 1930-1931.


A record that the early legatees drew up a Charter for all clubs to follow outlining their main goals.

Physical description

A framed early copy of the Legacy Charter.

Inscriptions & markings

Signed by two legatees, FC Green and James Stewart in black ink.
