Physical description
Ill, p.190.
Publication type
More than 450 photographs present a superb visual record of World War Two - the great convoy battles fought between aircraft, U-boats and escorts; the battles with the German raiders; desperate struggles in the icy seas of the Arctic; great naval-air battles in the Pacific; the vast amphibious operations that brought the Allies to grips with the enemy on land; and much more. For the six years between 1939 and 1945, naval action was seen on every ocean of the world. This sea war was on a unique scale - it had never been seen before, has not been experienced since and surely will never be witnessed again. This pictorial history brings together images from international archives and personal collections to demonstrate the diversity and drama of these years, to portray the atmosphere experienced by the mariners in this most unforgiving battlefield of all, and to provide an unprecedented visual record of this most event filled period of naval history.