Historical information

Speeches printed after a dinner to honour Legatee Stan Savige. The dinner on Saturday 4 November 1939 was held to celebrate Brigadier Savige's appointment to Command the 17th Infantry Brigade, 6th Division, 2nd AIF. The speeches were given by Legatee Eric Russell as Legacy President in 1939, Sir John Gellibrand and a response by Stan Savige. The introduction by Legatee Russell mentions that Legacy Patron, Sir John Gellibrand 'had the inspiration which caused the Legacy movement' and Stan Savige was revered as the Founder of Legacy.
Savige's response includes that he received the inspiration from Gellibrand in a letter (not as is commonly related that he visited Hobart).
Savige's subsequent exploits in WWII are detailed in Chapter 4 of 'There goes a man' by W.B. Russell, which chronicles not only battles fought but also the politics which blighted his command until the end of the war.


An important link to Legatee Stan Savige, the founder of Legacy as well as the famous soldier, at a watershed moment in his life.

Physical description

Cream booklet x 2 copies of speeches at a dinner held for Stan Savige in 1939.