Work on paper - Photocopy of newspaper cutting, "A Note to Simon", Tuesday February 10, 1966

Historical information

Written in February 1966, this is a letter from the editor or a journalist to a child who had brought a weak young Little Penguin into the office of the Express newspaper in Wonthaggi. February is the time that adult penguins have what is known as a “catastrophic moult" when they lose all of their feathers within a week or 2 and cannot go to the sea to fish. Any chicks left in the burrow will not be fed and need to go to sea themselves to feed. Some are just not strong enough or have mature feathers to do this and perish. Bert West was a Phillip Island resident and manager at the Penguin Parade, who was very knowledgeable about Little Penguins and was able to explain this to the journalist who then wrote the letter. Presumably the photograph had been in a previous edition so this item in the form of a letter to Simon would be a follow up to the original article.


This cutting is significant because it indicates that this Little Penguin had been fishing in the Cape Paterson area, and possibly was not able to find sufficient food there. It also indicates that there was apparently no process in place for dealing with weak birds found by the public. Neither the child nor the photographer knew any better than to allow the child to interfere with or hold a sick Penguin as shown in the photo. That is definitely no longer recommended, as we now know that handling a sick bird in that way is very stressful to them and can contribute to poor outcomes for them.

Physical description

Very poor photocopy of single column with large photo of boy holding penguin under text

Inscriptions & markings


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