Historical information

Two handwritten letters - dated 27/6/1941 on blue lined writing paper from Pte D Detbridge VX31082 D Coy2/24 Batt. AIF Abroad to Mrs Karnatz advised her husband Tom was safe. He and several others were surrounded and forced to surrender and taken prisoners. Two of the boys managed to escape and brought the good news about Tom and others, being well and safe………
Airmail letter card dated 2/1/1942 from Pte Detbridge to Mrs Karnatz thanking her for the cake of chocolate and enquiring about Tom and if he had mentioned Tim Rogers, a mate who has not been heard of for some time.
Thomas Allan Karnatz VX 48290 2/24 Battalion - born 16/7/1916. Enlisted Albury 22/7/1940 - Caulfield 8/8/1940 aged 24 years
17/10/1940 posted from 2/23 to 2/24 Battalion. Embarked 16/11/1940 and disembarked Middle East 17/12/1940. Reported missing in action on 6/5/1941 and officially prisoner of war on 8/7/1941.
26/4/1945 recovered POW arrived in UK prior to returning to Australia.

Physical description

Two handwritten letters - one in lead pencil on blue lined writing paper and the second in black ink on Airmail Letter Card with square blue stamp top right corner and triangular purple stamp lower left corner.

Inscriptions & markings

Air Mail Letter Card addressed to Mrs T A Karnatz Tawonga Roadside Wodonga Victoria Australia
Purple triangle stamp containing Passed by Censor No 3469 with a crown in the centre.