Historical information

Proof sheet of photos taken at Legacy House. Images 1 to 3 are two widows sitting on a sofa talking to a legatee. Images 4 to 8 is a widow sitting across from a Legatee at a desk taken to show how Legacy provides advice to widows. Image 9 and 12 are of a Legatee handing over a key to the widows' club president on the opening of the new Widows Club rooms. Images 10 and 11 are groups of widows enjoying the new club rooms. Legacy House was remodelled in 1980.
One of the ladies is possibly Valerie Rae. The other ladies are not known. Date is not known but possibly in the 1980s.
Was donated with three other photos after Valerie Rae passed away. The note with the photos was dated 2014 and it said she died in 2009.


A record of activities that Legacy provided for widows.

Physical description

Black and white photo proof sheet x 12 photos of widows at Legacy House.

Inscriptions & markings

Handwritten in black texta image numbers 1 to 12 and '2208'
