Book, 'Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber' by Zhang Zhongjing

Historical information

张仲景(约 150~219 年),名机,东汉末年医学家,著成《伤寒杂病论》,确立
了对伤寒病的六经辨证体系和治疗杂病的原则。被后世尊称为 “医圣”。
Zhang Zhongjing
Zhang Zhongjing (about 150~219 A.D.), courtesy name Ji, a well known physician of the late
Eastern Han dynasty. He compiled the famous “Treatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous
Disease” and established the six-meridian pattern identification and syndrome differentiation.
Later generations portray him as the “Medical Saint”.

Physical description

Three reproduction volumes printed on light tissue paper in black ink with blue soft cover and white thread binding.

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