Historical information

Blank letterhead for documents sent out by the Victorian Blind Sports Association, during 1980's and possibly early 1990's. Logo consists of a large V, with an upside smaller v between to turn the middle into a diamond shape. Three circles overlap across the middle of the diamond/V.

Physical description

Blank A4 paper with Vic Blind Sports logo, address and list of sports covered at base

Publication type


Inscriptions & markings

Victorian Blind Sports Association
All correspondence to:
C/- 454 Glenferrie Road, KOOYONG, 3144
Telephone: 20-8876

Patron: Mr John Cain
Premier of Victoria

(At base of page:)
Affiliated bodies - Cricket, Lawn Bowls, Olympic Sports, Square Dancing, Swish, Skiing,
Indoor Bias Bowls and Goal Ball
Donations of $2.00 and over are Tax Deductible.