Historical information

Legatee Rogers collected information about Stan Savige after attending an unveiling of a statue of Savige and this print out was the Memorial Oration given t a Legacy Conference in 1954. Other copies are in the archive.
The speech by Legatee Brian Armstrong is an account of Savige's life, his war service and his role in Legacy. Legatee Armstrong was a good friend of Savige. The moving address described General Savige's life and service career, and how he formed Legacy in 1923 at the suggestion of his former Commander, Major General Sir John Gellibrand.
He said at the time of his death the late General had been a member of Legacy for 30 years, and had been chosen to represent Legacy at the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth. Following the Second World War he held many important posts, one of the most notable being Co-ordinator of Demobilisation. Legatee Armstrong told the conference that if a memorial to the founder of Legacy was required, they only had to look around themselves.
Document was from a folder of documents donated to the archive by Legatee Bill Rogers that related to his time as President (March 2006 - March 2008).


A record of the life and service of Legatee Stan Savige, founder of Legacy.

Physical description

Print out x 4 pages of an article on the website of www.firstAIF.info which was a copy of the Memorial Oration for Stan Savige.