Work on paper - Award of Distinguished Conduct Medal No 168 Company Sergenant Major F.T. Brent

Historical information

Telegram notififying NOK of award of distingushed conduct medal


Telegram to NOK notifying of the award of distigusihed conduct medal. This item provideds provinance to related items

Physical description

Framed Telegram, black frame with gold pearling on the inside edge. Telegram from the commonwealth of Australia Department of Defence Base records section dated 10 July 1919.

Inscriptions & markings

" Dear Madam,
I have much pleasure in forwarding hereunfer London Gazette dated 5 Febuary 1918, relating to the conspicuous services rendered by your husband , No. 168, Company Sergeant Major F.T. Brent, 6th Battalion."
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Awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal
" With reference to the award of the Distingusished Conduct Medal inferred as announced in the London Gazette, of service for which the decoration was conferred :-

No 168 Company Sergeant Major F.T. BRENT.

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in an attack. He took strong command of a party , and attacked an enemy strong point , capturing twenty prisoners and two machine guns . He also rendered valuable assistance in consolodating the captured position, and set a splendid example to his men.

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The above has been promulgated in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No 95 dated 27th June, 1918.

Yours faithfully ,

Office i/c Base Records.

Mrs. A.I.N. Brent
Post Office,

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