
Yields information about the form used in Ballarat and Bendigo by the SEC to enabling ticket checking by Inspectors on the trams.

Physical description

Single sheet of paper titled "Supplementary Trip Way Bill", form No. TYE 1-580, for filling in ticket starting numbers, for tickets from 2d (City Section) through to 1/- value. Also allows for parcel tickets, tram no, trip, route, inspector and punch marks. Has line for filling in date and signature at base of ticket.

Used in early 1960's. Max. fare 1/-

Item was on display in cabinet of 39 until 10/2004, ex filing cabinet 1992.

Two copies held. See also Reg. Item 279.

See also Reg. Item 3062 for another sample - 15c max value.

See Also Reg Item 4144 for a MMTB version, very similar in style, SEC probably copied it.

See Also Reg item 5692 for a pack of 250 of these.