
Yields information about the SEC and its operations during the second World War.

Physical description

27 A4 sheets of copies of relevant papers about the SEC trams, Ballarat & conductresses during the Second World War, from SECV's Staff Magazine "SEC News".

Date Page No. Notes

9/1942 6 Our first Conductresses

Xmas 42 & 8 Tramway Extension

New Year 43 13 Women in the SEC Workforce photos

" " 43/44 33 Ballarat Conductresses feted

June 1944 28 Between ourselves

" " 29 Conductresses raise funds

Oct. 1944 10/11 Conductresses triumph

" " 19 Ballarat's Success

Sept 30, 1946 17 Appreciation for our tram Conductresses

Dec. 15, 1945 2-18 Six years of war - the Commission's record.

23 sheets scanned. Photocopies not the best - see high resolution file.

See SEC News