
Demonstrates aspects of the SEC governance system in issuing By-laws for the travelling public, as part of their Act. Yields information about fares charged for tram services in Ballarat and Bendigo. Issued to crews.

Physical description

Booklet with orange card cover and 12 pages, numbered 1 to 10, side stapled, off set printed giving details of fares, revised in June 1963 for both Ballarat and Bendigo, to come into force on 1/8/1963. Has details of sections etc. Was shown as being approved by the Governor in Council on 25/6/1963. Adjust the City Section fares only. See Alan Bradley notes in references re this.

Full pdf copy added 28/5/2019.

Alan Bradley advised 25/4/2005.

In the "Courier" of 26/6/1963, the adjustments to fares from 1/8/1963 were

announced. They were only for adjustments to city section fares. Fares

outside the city area remained unchanged.

The SEC promoted these as being cheaper city section fares. Tom Evans gave

me a copy of a poster showing a Scotsman boarding a tram. The caption was:

"Now! It's cheaper to travel by tram! Beats walking every time!" New

economy city fares. From Dawson St to the Railway Station return, & from

Dawson St to the east end of Bridge St or return, 4d. From the intersection

of Lydiard & Sturt Sts - To Dawson St, east end Bridge St, to Railway

Station 3d.