
Demonstrates the last timetable issued for Ballarat Tramways and yields information about tram services.

Physical description

285 - Three page photo copy of the final timetable for tram services in Ballarat for the SECV issued March 1970. Page 1 - Sunday, p2 - Saturday, p3 - weekdays. Gives IN and OUT times for each route and notes if from depot etc. Understood to be SECV photocopy.

285.1 - ditto, but actual wax stencil copy on duplicating paper used by Driver / Conductor J. Everett. Has been folded into 8. This copy used in image files. Item added 2/2/2003.

285.2 - ditto - three copies of SECV copies given to the BTPS at the time of closure. Staple horizontally in top left hand corner and marked in ink - see Inscriptions. Items added 9/3/2004.

285.3 - ditto wax stencil or duplicated copy - unmarked. Item added 22/08/2004.

285.4 - ditto but Saturday timetable sheet marked in red or blue ink to show run numbers? Item added 22/08/2004. Two staples in top left hand corner.

285.5 - ditto wax stencil or duplicated copy - unmarked. Item added 17/05/2006

See pdf documents for good quality scans and history of record for details of source.