
Photo of two trams crossing each other at Carlton St loop, out of sequence running, normally crossed at Gardens loop Typical of the operation and the street scene at the time. The background trees were later removed.

Physical description

Bogie tram 36 and single trucker (20) crossing at Carlton St. Loop, early 1970's. View looking down track, towards south. No. 36 with Mt Pleasant destination, and No. 20 with Gardens via Sturt St. West on western track. Trees full with leaves. Note V crossing of frog, one made up by SEC? No. 20 has Twin Lakes sign under headlight. Image not square onto photo paper.

358.1 - duplicate copy from William F Scott, smaller print.

358.2 - as above - but mid size print.

Inscriptions & markings

358.1 - On rear in ink "SEC Ballarat Tramways. Cars on Carlton Street loop, just outside the southern entrance to the Botanical Gardens" and in pencil "Christopher D Phillips, 113 Windermere Street Ballarat (053) 31 6075" and "12/1967"

358.2 - "44)" in top left hand corner, William F Scott address label in bottom right hand corner, trimming marks top and bottom. Label centrally, "photo page 40, Reduce to 5 1/2" and 3 1/4" " and along bottom :Ballarat Tramways (SEC) Christopher D Phillips "28.12.1967"