Physical description

Black and white photograph of the some of the passengers in front of the last bus to Northcote, ex Bourke St. prior to commencement of tram services. Destination showing "NORTHCOTE" and route no. "77". Has a wreath on the radiator "LAST BUS BOURKE ST. 25-6-1955, REPLACED BY ELECTRIC TRAMS". (See also catalogue item No. 493 and 1610).

Charles Craig, 2nd from right, Ian Brady 5th from right, Len Clark (?) squatting down under radiator. Crew names - see 493.

Negative No. N342 on file, 680i1 scanned from negative.

See Dave Macartney re names on 31/8/97.

Inscriptions & markings

On rear on typed paper "Last bus to Northcote with some of the crowd that travelled on it, June 25 1955.", in pencil "RK-1" and in but rh corner stamped "Geoff Grant / 189 Murrumbeena Rd. Murrumbeena, S.E.9 Victoria."