Physical description

Set of 12 photographs taken by Neville Gower on 28 October 1996 of ex Ballarat tramcars and roller at the Tramway Museum Society of Victoria's Bylands museum. On Kodak paper, with negatives

769.1 - Part of Bylands shed, with substation in foreground.

769.2 - North end of one of the sheds with ex MMTB Works car alongside.

769.3 - ex Ballarat No. 36 - through partially open door.

769.4 - ex Ballarat No. 36 - from inside the building.

769.5 - ex Ballarat No. 36 - inferior photograph

769.6 - ex Ballarat Scrubber

769.7 - ex Ballarat Scrubber

769.8 - ex Ballarat No. 17

769.9 - ex Ballarat No. 17

769.10 - ex Ballarat road roller - operators view.

769.11 - ex Ballarat road roller, side view.

769.12 - ex Ballarat road roller, view along side of machine into operators cabin.

All images rescanned at 2400dpi 9/5/2020