Historical information

953.1 - photo of tram 32 being lifted and a low loader being positioned under the tram. Appeared on page 1 of Courier. Caption notes as the last tram to be given away and Mr. Bob Davies directing the move and that he has assisted in many of the moves so far.
953.2 - continuation of page 1 item on page 2 - about tram 32 being give to the Maryborough Chamber of Commerce. Mentions trams in the care of the BTPS, Lake Goldsmith and other organisations. Quotes SEC Administrative Officer Mr Norm Pearson.
953.3 - as for .1 and .2, but entire front page from The Courier.
Additional copies of 953.1 and 953.2 added 30/05/06 ex Leslie Dawson.
953.4 - Black and white Courier photograph print of the photograph of No. 32 being lifted.
953.5 - Black and white Courier photograph print of No. 32 being lifted off the truck with No. 30 in the background
.4 and .5 - Print of original photographs added 14-3-2016 from the donation to the Museum by Karelyn Satter Feb. 2016. Stored in box 01-01-84


Yields information about the storage of trams at the Ballarat North Power Station following closure of the SEC operated tram system, period to delivery of the tram to its next owner. Has a strong association with the crane company of the time.

Physical description

Newspaper clippings from The Courier, dated 17/3/1973

Inscriptions & markings

dates in blue ink of "17/3/73" near top right hand corner of both cuttings., Prints have the stamp of the Ballarat Courier on the rear.