Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Last tram to 'star' in film about Ballarat", 14/09/1971 12:00:00 AM

Physical description

Newspaper clipping from The Courier, Ballarat, 14/9/1971 titled "Last tram to 'star' in film about Ballarat" of the making of a film by the Commonwealth Film unit on tourist attractions in Ballarat. The first section of the film was to feature the last run of the trams in Ballarat the following Sunday. Has a photo of a meeting of members of the film unit, the City Council, and the Ballarat Regional Tourist Promotion Association the previous day. The clipping gives the names of people in the meeting.

Second copy of the text only added 25/10/05 - photo not attached.

Image of the whole cutting added 28/3/2011 - see i1.

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