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Newspaper clipping from The Courier, front page, Wednesday Sept. 16, 1970, reporting on the final move made last night in Parliament to abolish the trams in Ballarat and Bendigo. The SEC's notice to abolish the trams was tabled in the Legislative Assembly for the second time in two years. Unless the SEC's notice was opposed in either during the next 24 sitting days, the trams will go. As Government has numbers in both houses, the trams will go, while two years ago, the Country and Labor Parties combined in the upper house to oppose this. Quotes Minister for Fuel and Power, Mr. Balfour about fares, would subsidise private bus operators to give concession fares as is done on the trams, separation or retrenchment payments for tramway employees, and mentions suggestion that trams should be retained as a tourist attraction.

Has a continuation of item on page 5. No reference item number as at 29/5/1970.