Physical description

Book - 92 pages plus card covers, a historical survey of the Sebastopol district. Originally written by E.D. Jenkins for the Borough of Sebastopol's centenary in 1964, reprinted with additional text by Lloyd Jenkins to recognise the 125th anniversary of the Borough covering the years 1965 to 1989.

Book covers mining history, churches, the Borough Council, early days of the district and various points, eg cabmen, horse trams and electric trams, schools, the Mechanics Institute, various clubs, fire brigade, hotels, industries, and programme of events to celebrate the centenary.

The second part of the book, covering the period is laid out in a chronological order with forward by Cr. Donald, the Mayor with many photographs.

Centre page has a large map of the district showing the many mines, leads, roads and other historic locations.

Tramway photos are horse tram No. 7, ESCo 17 at depot (all on file) and a photo showing a horse tram heading north along Albert St. with the shopping centre in the background - see image. Photo taken just after the tram has crossed the roadway.

Copy of the horse tram heading north along Albert St. made Oct. 2001 for the "gold, Gold GOLD" temporary exhibition - colour laser print onto card, with Velcro dots on rear. Stored in box D1 (Display Box) 02/2003.

See Reg Item 3883 for another print of this photograph.

Inscriptions & markings

On page 3 in black ink "Ballarat Tramway Museum Inc. With compliments, D.L. Jenkins 14/4/1999"